I’m so excited to meet you!

I’m Amy, mumma to three super amazing not so small peeps. No bias at all on that front ha! With two of these amazing kids on the Autism Spectrum and my youngest with a genetic metabolic condition MCAD (Medium- Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency) as a family we have been exploring all the ways that we can ensure our cup is always full.

We believe that everyone can live the life they have always dreamt of. Together the four of us have been manifesting this dream life. We want to help others find out how easy this can be when you follow your intuition. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), essential oils, crystals, manifestation and meditation are frequent companions on our journey.

What’s in your Apothecary Cabinet? Check out what we have in ours by going to our Shop – Apothecary Cabinet.